
About us

A graduate of HEC in 2001 and boasting 16 years of experience in the financial services field, Raymond Gagnon created Sum in 2011. Throughout the past few years, he observed that the various stakeholders within the financial sector remains, for the most part, focused solely in a single field. In light of this fact, Sum was created to offer an overall analysis of your personal situation or that of your company, in order to provide you with personalized advice or direct you toward relevant products or specialists.

As an independent firm, Sum can count on service providers from virtually every financial institution, and also call upon trusted business partners. Sum’s clientele is comprised of businesspeople, companies, independent workers, professionals, foundations and associations. Sum’s strength is drawn from the many years of experience that now enables it to offer you optimal know-how and a network of experts whose reputation is well-established in the financial services sector.